Pathak Pedestal Grinder
A Pathak Pedestal Grinder is an equivalent or larger version of grinder that is staged on a pedestal, which may sit on rubber feet or could be bolted to the floor. Such types of grinders are frequently used to hand grind diverse cutting tools and execute another uneven/rough grinding. Be contingent on the bond and grade of the grinding wheel, it may be used for sharpening cutting tools such as chisels, tool bits, gouges, and drill bits. Substituted-ly, Pathak Pedestal Grinder India may be used to approximately give shape to the metal before/prior to welding or fitting. The Pathak Pedestal Grinder Manufacture, work pre-eminently to do their intended task and they are durable and meant to last for many years to come.
WHEEL FLANGES– Wheel flanges are of balanced design, the inner pair keyed to the spindle for a positive drive for 18″ to 40” grinders.
TOOL RESTS– These are adaptable both in vertical and horizontal positions for permitting paramount wear and tear of the wheels.
DRIVE – Through V-belts to the pivot by an electric motor. Two speeds are delivered to preserve peripheral speeds when the wheels are about to wear out.
ELECTRICALS– 400/440 volts, 3 phases, 50 cycles ISI Mark and it has an electric motor with LT/LK/BETEX push-button start, and direct on the line with under-voltage, overload.
You may inquire more about the machine by contacting us.

Pedastal Grinder
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WHEEL FLANGES – Wheel flanges are of balanced design, the inner pair keyed to the spindle for positive drive for 18″ to 40 ” grinders.
TOOL RESTS – These are adjustable both in horizontal and vertical positions for allowing maximum wear and tear of the wheels.
DRIVE – Through V-belts to the spindle by an Electric Motor. Two speeds are provided to maintain peripheral speeds when the wheels wear out.
ELECTRICALS – 400/440 volts 3 phase 50 cycles ISI Mark Electric Motor with LT/LK/BETEX Push button starter direct on line with overload, undervoltage.
SPECIAL ACCESSORIES AT EXTRA COST – Coolant equipment, Twist drill Grinding Attachment, Dust Exhaust Equipment, Machine Light, Water Pot and Foundation Nuts & Bolts.