High Quality Pathak Surface Grinder
The Pathak Surface Grinder is used to manufacture an even finish on flat surfaces. It is an extensively used abrasive machining undertaking in which a spinning wheel enveloped in rough particles (grinding wheel) gashes chips of non-metallic or metallic substance from a work piece, making it flat or smooth.
Pathak Surface Grinder India is the most customary of the grinding processes. It is a finishing operation that makes use of a rotating abrasive wheel to even out the flat exterior of metallic or non-metallic materials to produce more of a refined appearance by eliminating the oxide layer and any impurities present on work piece surfaces. For a functional purpose, this can also give the desired surface.
The grinding wheel in the Pathak Surface Grinder Manufacture is not confined to a cylindrical shape and can have a multitude of options that are functional in transferring distinct geometries to the article being operated on. Straight wheels can easily be embellished by the operator to manufacture custom geometries. This machine includes a table that crosses both beyond/across the face of the wheel and longitudinally as well.
You may inquire more about the machine by contacting us.

Surface Grinder
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These products are the result of our long year of experience in the manufacturing of precision horizontal surface griding Machines which require power design careful selection of materials, proper manufacturing techniques and craftsmanship.